
The Praiseworthy Deeds of the Lord


Psalm 78:4 is one of my favorite verses. It says, We will not hide them from their descendants;     we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,     his power, and the wonders he has done.

What an awesome verse. I think these phrases are particularly powerful...

"We will not hide."

"We will tell."

"The praiseworthy deeds of the Lord."

"His power."

"The wonders he has done."

In this world, it is all too easy to take credit for something you didn't do. For example, this ministry is here today, because of God. Not me. He gets ALL the credit. I get the blessing of being chosen, for some unknown reason, to help bring it about, and I am honored.

And that is why...

I will not hide.

I will tell.

The praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.

HIS power.

The wonders HE has done.

I look forward to sharing with you all that God does through this ministry. To Him be the glory!

First Day of School


I am thrilled to announce that today is our first day of sewing classes! We have 2 teachers, 3 women and 7 men in the class. We found out that tailors are in high demand in Port-de-Paix so we hope to turn out a few more!

The class is divided into to two groups. One group comes from 7- 9am. The other group from 9-11am. To be fair, they will switch times every other day.

It has been so exciting to watch this ministry unfold over the past year. God has been faithful, and all the credit goes to Him. As the Haitians say, "Bondye bon," which means, "God is good!"

I'd like to extend a special thank you to everyone who has prayed and financially supported this ministry. We are still looking to cover the cost of (4) of the machines and supplies. If you'd like to help us, please visit our Donate page to learn more.


The Haiti 323 Project Is Born


My first trip to Haiti in October 2012 was a remarkable experience. In some ways, it is hard to put into words. I felt both despair and hope. Deep sadness and great joy. Fear and peace. But, more than anything, I felt God's presence. He was there, just as He is here - whether we realize it or not.

I've visited Port-de-Paix three times on short-term trips. By going back to the same location, I have been blessed to become friends with Larry and Diana Owen, many Haitians - both youth and adults - and my fellow "Haiti Mateys" (other trip participants). It was on my 2013 trip that I felt called to do something more, although I wasn't quite sure what.

Through a series of conversations and many prayers, the Haiti 323 Project was born. The 323 stands for Colossians 3:23 which says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."

I chose this verse, because it talks about the importance of working for the Lord regardless of occupation. I felt like this verse tied in nicely with the Haiti 323 Project's purpose of  providing vocational training, through sewing and apprenticeship programs, in Port-de-Paix.

The Northwest region of Haiti lacks many educational and vocational training opportunities. This project will help fill the gap by providing much needed training so program participants can secure good paying jobs to provide for themselves and their families. In addition to vocational training, the Haiti 323 Project will continue spreading the Gospel and showing God's love among the Haitian people.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]